TASK > How can I assign tasks using Zapier or Microsoft Power Automate?

First see How can I connect Tallyfy to Zapier?

When you trigger a one-off task or start a process using Zapier, this is what is possible at present. This article focuses on Zapier, but similar principles can apply to Power Automate.

One off tasks

  1. When Zapier creates a one-off task, it can be assigned to a specific member.
  2. When Zapier creates a one-off task, it cannot be assigned to a guest email. The task needs to be manually reassigned to a guest email in Tallyfy - after the task has been created.

Process tasks

  1. When Zapier launches a process, if a step has the process starter assigned, the email associated with the zap will be assigned.
  2. When Zapier launches a process, if a step has a specific member assigned, the specific coworker will be assigned.
  3. When Zapier launches a process, if a step has a guest assigned, the guest email cannot be assigned automatically. The task needs to be manually reassigned to a guest email in the app, after the process has started. See more below.

Worked example - Assign a task to a guest using Zapier

In the video below - we demonstrate the following:

  1. There's a blueprint with a text box in a kick-off field that collects the email address of a client.
  2. There's a step in that blueprint which shoots out a webhook to Zapier when that step is completed.
  3. Zapier "catches" or receives that webhook.
  4. Zapier takes the action of automatically assigning whatever email was in (1) to a specific task, automatically.
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