USERS > How can I assign someone to a task?

Assigning members to tasks is critical to maximizing your Tallyfy experience. Clear assignments clarify everyone's responsibilities and enforce accountability. It also helps you automate everything. When a member is assigned to a task, he/she will receive a notification when the process or one-off task is created. Due dates guide your team to meet requirements. 

So how do you assign someone to a task? 

We get it, assignments are relative. One team member might always handle a specific task no matter the client or case. But others might switch between tasks and clients. Or someone might need to defer their responsibilities to someone else in the middle of a workflow. 

That's why you can assign a member to a task within a template, when you launch a process, or within an active process or one-off task. 

Assign a member within a template

Name a specific member within the Assign tab of a task. Whenever a process is launched, that member will be assigned to the chosen task:

Assign a Member when Launching a Process

When you launch a process, you will be prompted to choose a name. Select Review & Edit to edit assignees before launch: 

Assign a Member within an Active Process or One-off Task

Select the on the top right of the task card and click on Edit task. Find the person you wish to assign and click Save Changes:

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