PROCESS > What can I change in a process once it has been launched?

After a process has launched you can edit tasks and process information in the following ways:.

You can edit task assignees, deadlines, tags and descriptions:

1. First, click the three dots at the top right of the task card and select Edit task:

2. Next click on the Edit option next to the task attribute you want to edit.

The process name can also be changed, by simply clicking on it:

You can also change the process owner, tags, process folders, and the process notes:

1. Click on the 'Settings' button at the top right of your active process view and go to 'More Settings' :

2. In the 'Summary' tab edit the process owner by clicking on it.

3. Editing tags, process folders, and process notes can also be done in the same way:

You can also add one-off tasks into an active process, described here

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