FORM > How do I complete the form fields within a process task via the API?

In order to complete the form fields inside a process task (a task inside a running process), you will need to follow these three steps:

1. Gather your info

You may first want to make a GET request to:{org}/me/tasks

This should give you the information you will then need to update the task.

2. Decide if you are trying to complete the whole task or just update it

To fill out the form fields and mark the task complete, send a POST request to:{org}/runs/{run_id}/completed-tasks

If you do not wish to mark the task complete, send a PUT request to:}/runs/{run_id}/tasks/{task_id}

3. Build your payload and submit

Whether or not you wish to mark the task complete, the payload should be similar to the one below, with the id of the field to be completed matched with the desired value inside the "taskdata" object:

  "taskdata":{ "${id_of_field_to_be_completed}": "${desired_value}" }

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