Documents - Downloading vs. Using

On Tallyfy, you don't download a document blueprint but you "launch" or use it.

You can then make changes to the launched document in the parts which are editable.

What is using a document? 

When you edit and customize the a document blueprint - you can add variables and fields into it - think of the content of a document blueprint as a couple of things:

  • Read-only content - which stays the same, no matter what - it's not editable.
  • Editable content - which you can customize to your needs.

When you use a document - it becomes a process, which is like "your copy" of the document. 

You can edit the editable fields but not the read-only parts.

Using vs. Downloading a document

Tallyfy does not allow you to download a document, but instead you can read, fill and use it digitally on any device. 

By using a playbook vs. downloading a playbook - you save a lot of time by eliminating these common problems with traditional documents:

  • No need to manually spend time changing formatting anywhere - you just focus on missing content
  • No need to worry about what do I need to change here? vs. what do I need to keep the same? - just focus on what you need to change. 
  • No need to customize the sections that require no changes
  • Easy to assign tasks to others to fill out editable parts in the document
  • Everybody who grabs the document has a consistent copy of it - because the read-only bits stay the same
  • Ability to use snippets - which are blocks of content that exist in all documents. 
  • Ability to automatically translate a document from any language, to any language - if needed.
  • Ability to view and share the document on any device - since Word and PDF docs aren't easy to use on phones.
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