TOOLS > How do approve or reject rules work?

Tallyfy offers 3 types of rules

  1. Task completion rules
  2. Form field response rules
  3. Approve/Reject rules

This article walks you through an example of using an   approve/reject rule.

Approve/Reject rules work great in procedures like:

- Leave request procedure

- Expense claim approval request

- Discount approval procedure 

... etc

Let's look at approve/request rules in a vacation request procedure.

1. In your template editor, select the step you wish to set as an approval check step

2. From the dropdown list for Step Type, select 'Approve/Reject'

3. Save changes to your step

4. Now, let's set up rules or the logic to show/hide steps if the leave is approved

5. Similarly, add rules to the step/task that you wish to show when the leave is rejected

6. When you launch a process for this template, the corresponding step will prompt the assignees for an approval/rejection

7. Once the tasks are approved/rejected, the rules kick-in and the corresponding tasks show up

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