ACCESS > How to share a workbook in Tableau Desktop - without the data

Start with a Tableau Workbook with data and graphs all lined up.

Next - changing the data connection to blank files.

Now - save the file and exit Tableau.

After exiting, I moved the file to a different directory - somewhat simulating the transfer of the file to someone else.

I open the file from the new directory. 

An error message appears because the attached data sources are not contained in the new directory/filepath. 

This means connecting to blank data before sending was not necessary, except to hide file names.

Selecting show details describes the error, FYI.

Select Yes to connect to your data.

Select Edit Connection

Sometimes, Edit Connection does not work; needed to remove connection and then add a new connection. There is no clear explanation at present as to why!

Now there is data, and the dashboard shows all the same information for the new data. 

You need to adjust the data type of the fields: due_by and completed_on.

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