WEBHOOKS > How can Tallyfy webhooks be used to send data to other apps?

Often times, you may want to collect data throughout the course of a process and send some of that information to another service, such as a Zapier connection.

Tallyfy offers two options for sending data through webhooks: 

1. When a Process or a Form is launched
This webhook will be sent when the first task of a Process is completed (any task can be completed, not just the task listed first) 

2. When a specific Task inside a Process is completed
This hook triggers when the Task it is assigned to is completed

For a few ideas on how this can be useful and visual demos on how to use our webhooks, below are a few tutorial videos

If you would like hep with a specific use-case that is not showcased in these demos, feel free to reach out to us. Or, if you are only interested in exactly what data is sent with the webhook, scroll down to the " What information is passed along inside the webhook?" section

A. How to export data from a Tallyfy Process Task to a spreadsheet

Often times, you may want to collect data throughout the course of a process and send some of that information to another service. The video below walks you through how to export form field values from Tallyfy to a spreadsheet.

B. How to automatically start a new Process after a Task in another Process is completed

Often, a completion of a task in a process indicates that another separate process should be started. You can use Tallyfy step-level webhooks and Zapier to automate the starting of a new process.

C. How to send form fields from multiple Tasks via webhook

This video follows the process of connecting a step in a Tallyfy blueprint to Zapier and using that connection to send form contents from previous steps to WebMerge, and finally sending that WebMerge document to a designated email address. 

D. How to send an email to anyone when a task is completed 

What information is passed along inside the webhook?

For step webhooks (those sent after a specified Task is completed), here is a sample of the information that is sent:

You can download and view the sample here: Webhook-Sample.json

Zapier parses the JSON for you, and will display the properties more elegantly for you to select. Below are the webhook properties as they are displayed on Zapier, along with a short description of each

Information about the Task that was completed

Webhook Property Description
 this_task__id  The unique Task ID
this_task__alias The unique Task alias
 this_task__summary  The Task summary text
 this_task__title  The Task name
 this_task__deadline  The Task's deadline
 this_task__status  The Task's status (completed)
 this_task__position  The Task's position in the Process
 this_task__completed_by__id The ID of the member who completed the Task 
this_task__completed_by__email The email of the member who completed the Task
 this_task__completed_at The date the Task was completed on
 this_task__completed_by__full_name The full name of the user who completed the Task
 this_task__owners__guests Email, full name, and ID of any guest assigned to the Task
 this_task__owners__users  Email, full name, and ID of any member assigned to the Task
 this_task__assets  Filename, ID, public link, and version of any file uploaded to the Task

Information about form fields within the completed Task

Webhook Property  Description 
this_task__captures__<form ID>__label The name given to the form field
 this_task__captures__<form ID>__alias  The unique alias for the form field
 this_task__captures__<form ID>__value  The value submitted to a Radio form
 this_task__captures__<form ID>__value__id  The position selected for a Checklist form (starting from 0)
 this_task__captures__<form ID>__value__id_text  The value submitted to a Dropdown form

Information about the next Task

 Webhook Property Description 
 next_task__id  The unique Task ID
 next_task__title  The Task name
 next_task__alias  The unique Task alias
 next_task__deadline  The Task's deadline
 next_task__position  The Task's position in the Process
 next_task__summary  The Task summary text
 next_task__status  The Task's status
 next_task__owners__users  The email, full name, and ID of any member assigned to the Task
 next_task__owners__guests  The email, full name, and ID of any guest assigned to the Task

Information about the Process

Webhook Property  Description 
 process__id  The unique Process ID
 process__name  The Process name
 process__summary  The Process summary text
 process__status  The Process' current status
 process__organization_id  The organization ID
 process__created_at__date  Date the Process was created
 process__progress__total  Total number of Tasks in the Process
process__progress__complete Total number of Tasks that have been completed in the Process
 process__progress__percent  Completion percentage of the Process
 process__created_at__timezone  Timezone for Process creation
process__created_at__timezone_type Timezone type for Process creation
process__ClientURL A link to view the Process
process__tags The IDs and title of the Process tags
process__prerun__<KO ID> The value submitted to any Kick Off form field
process__process_forms__<task ID>__<form ID>__label The name of any form field in the Process
process__process_forms__<task ID>__<form ID>__alias The alias of any form field in the Process
 process__process_forms__<task ID>__<form ID>__value  The submitted value of any form field in the Process

Information about the Blueprint the Process was launched from

Webhook Property  Description 
 template__id  The unique Blueprint ID
 template__alias  The unique Blueprint alias
 template__title  The Blueprint name
 template__version  The Blueprint version
template__summary  Blueprint summary text
template__metadata__webhook  Webhook URL sent by Blueprint (if any)
template__metadata__guidance  Blueprint guidance text (if any)
template__metadata__guidance_html  Blueprint guidance hyml (if any)
template__metadata__allow_steps_editing  If step editing is allowed (yes/no)
template__metadata__allow_guests_to_track  If guests can track (yes/no)
template__metadata__record_rating  If ratings are recorded (yes/no)

Date formats in webhooks

Tallyfy allows you to choose between two date formats in your organizational settings to determine which format of date you would like to emit on your webhooks:

  • yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ - ISO 8601 format
  • d/m/Y h:i A T - Time zone format

Screenshots of what those actually look like are below.

A brief note on security

In case you want some light "proof" that a webhook actually came from Tallyfy - take a look at the header X-Tallyfy-OrgID on any webhook that is authentically emitted by Tallyfy. It will contain your orgID - which is generally only known to tenants and customers of a given organization.

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