TRIGGER > CLICK-TO-LAUNCH > What are Magic Links in Tallyfy?

Magic links are pre-made links that perform actions on Tallyfy for logged in members with the ability to pass through data in the link as well

If the magic link has all the data it needs - the process can launch, because all the info needed is pre-supplied in the link. A magic link can also generate a quick link to create a one-off task and other actions (listed below).

This article will walk you through how to pre-make the URL to achieve this.

When you launch a process with a magic link - this literally means - that you can load the URL with values and simply opening the URL (while logged in to Tallyfy) launches a process. Note that you have to be logged in to Tallyfy.

We also call this a "one click process launch" or "one click actions".

To access the Magic Links feature, click Settings > Integrations > Magic Links:

Steps to create Magic Links:

1. To create a magic link to create a one-off task, click 'Get a Magic Link' and click ' Create a One-Off Task'. See more types and examples below. 

2. Organization ID will automatically be updated with your account's organization id. You will need to edit 'part 2' of the URL to assign the one-off task a unique name.

3. To create a magic link to launch a process, click 'Get a Magic Link' and click 'Launch a Process'. 

4. You will need to select a template from your library to launch a process from. 

5. Once you have picked your template, the system will generate a unique link with the organization ID and template ID.

6. You will need to assign a process name in 'part 3' of the URL and also enter a value for required kick-off fields in 'part 4'.

7. A sample magic link with one kick-off field (short text field) would look like this:

To enter the value for the kick-off field, you would replace null with "RukuKadu" - value of the KO field alongwith the quotation marks.

So, your URL would now look like this:,%2007:57am%20-%20Employee%20onboarding&ko_fields=%255B%257B%2522employee-name-223217%2522:"Ruku Kadu"%257D%255D&launchprocess=true

8. The 'auto-naming' feature also affects the magic link syntax: 

The default magic link would be as follows:

With auto-naming and pre-filled kick off form fields values, the magic link would look like this:

Here's a list of form field syntax you would use to enter values into the magic link URL:

Type of form field Syntax
Short text box: (string) "short text box value"
Long text box: (string) "long text box value"
Dropdown: (object) {"id":1,"text":"1","value":null,"required":true}<br>
Wondering what this looks like in practice. Here's a dropdown box definition:
For this example, you could use this for expressing "Maybe":


Checkbox: multiple values of json object (array of object) [{"id":1,"text":"1","value":null,"required":true,"selected":true},<br>{"id":2,"text":"2","value":null,"selected":true}]
Radio: (string/text value of the selected option) "1"
Datetime: standard of datetime in string "2021-04-29T00:00:00.000Z"
File: multiple values of json object [{"id":"21b98bc82016581f1d32105502071083",<br>"url":"organizations\/54339011418f12485ca7c5ba821cd585\<br>/file\/21b98bc82016581f1d32105502071083\/dl",<br>"source":"local","system":null,"step_id":null,"subject":{"id":"6b7d31b688f4bd738349767d40dff643","type":"Checklist"},"version":1,<br>"filename":"social__5___1___4__jpg.jpg","uploaded_from":"ko_field"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/wikipedia\/commons\/a\/a3\/June_odd-eyed-cat.jpg",<br>"source":"url","subject":{"id":"6b7d31b688f4bd738349767d40dff643","type":"Checklist"},<br>"filename":"","uploaded_from":"ko_field"}]

More actions with examples

All these examples just require a click on the link, and the data within the URL as needed to perform the actions noted below.

  1. Create a one off task<YOUR-ORG-ID>/magic?action=createOotTask&default_task_name=Type in your task title
  2. Complete a task<YOUR-ORG-ID>/magic?action=completeTask&task_id=b0d9153016723b3f6f54f152db430f09
  3. Reopen a task<YOUR-ORG-ID>/magic?action=reOpenTask&task_id=b0d9153016723b3f6f54f152db430f09
  4. Write a comment to a task<YOUR-ORG-ID>/magic?action=writeAComment&task_id=b0d9153016723b3f6f54f152db430f09?comment=Default comment
  5. Edit task deadline<YOUR-ORG-ID>/magic?action=editDeadline&task_id=b0d9153016723b3f6f54f152db430f09?deadline=2022-01-20 03:11:02
  6. Update form field<YOUR-ORG-ID>/magic?action=updateFormFieldValue&task_id=b0d9153016723b3f6f54f152db430f09?form_fields=%7B%22d6410030b7fe633403688e900c5a6ba3%22:null%7D
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