TEMPLATE > What is a template?

What is a template?

It's the master blueprint (recipe, guidebook, map...) for any process or piece of know-how. It establishes the steps that need to be repeated each time a process is carried out. Steps are the actions. They describe what needs to be done, how, when, and by whom.

Templates come in two shapes and forms: document and procedure. 

Creating a Procedure - using Tallyfy AI

I think it's safe to say your mind will be blown when you watch this video! This means you don't need to start from scratch - you get offered an AI-generated template which you can turn into a real procedure in seconds.

Creating a Document - from scratch

Creating a document template is just like creating a procedure - except you would create the template of a document designed for "fill in the blank" type of usage. 

Creating a Procedure -  from scratch

Feeling a little unsure about making your own template? Don't worry. Let us show you how here!

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