USERS > How do I remove a member?

Removing a Member

Go to your Settings.
Select Organization and Members.
Click on the Member name, scroll down, and delete!

You will be asked to reassign any of the deleted member's pending tasks and templates they own to another active member. 

We call this "conflict resolution" which is a great little feature that makes sure that things get re-assigned if someone is disabled without you manually having to check everything yourself.

You can also see who removed a member. Select their name and at it will be under Activity at the bottom of the profile:

Conflict Resolution

In case you're wondering exactly how it works - when someone you are removing already had steps, tasks, etc. assigned - these screenshots give you an example of how resolving such conflicts works automatically on Tallyfy.

You will be asked to re-assign tasks and steps that the user you are removing is currently assigned to:

After you perform the bulk re-assignment - confirmation will show up:

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